The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

transformative process

The Will of the Soul

The incredible power of the soul is unveiled in transformative experiences. From the deathbed, near-death episodes, peak experiences, and encounters with spiritual truths and higher realities, there comes a deeper understanding of self and Soul.
  • the incredible power of our soul is unveiled in transformative experiences
  • we begin to recognize that the soul, our soul, has a will and agenda of its own
  • soul cycles, soul waves, soul groups, twin souls, the goal of souls
  • manisfestations/ensoulments - the human form
  • our comings and goings
  • we have gifts to share: the talents we bring in, what we did with those talents when we leave
  • fate/destiny/free will
  • the numbers 12 and 13


Atwater goes much deeper into her root research of child experiencers, revealing that they often have pre-birth, birth, and pre-earth memories. The three very different types of subjective light are discussed, along with the strange relationship between dark light and genius. In exploring why children are more impacted then adults by near-death states, at water introduces her theory about "brain shift/spirit-shift" and what that appears to say about "transformations of consciousness." In addressing how different the millennial generation is (those born between 1982 and about 2003), she shows how we can use the near-death phenomenon as a model to help us recognize that the "fifth root race"-that next quantum leap in our evolution as a species-is here now. It is Atwater's belief, based on her many years of research, that the near-death experience is part of a larger genre of "transformations of consciousness," and, as such, depicts the "engine of evolution" at work-how we advance as a species. The emergence of "cultural creatives" as a major force to society dovetails the integration of those transformational states, and depicts how widespread and dynamic the changes they foster really are. (Overhead projector and screen needed.)



Part I -
I will give an overview of my research of the near-death experience, a research project begun in 1978, and covering interviews with over 3,000 near-death survivors (700 of them in-depth). As part of this overview, the four major types of episodes people have will be covered along with a brief psychological profile of who tends to have which type. Near-death-like experiences and anomalies will also be mentioned. The pattern of psychological and physiological aftereffects will be explored, and how these aftereffects differ from psychosis. Children's experiences and the clustering of ages when this seems the most apt to occur will be discussed, along with what this implies. The four phases of integration will be discussed, as well as the four levels of near-death and otherworldly imagery and what that might mean.
Part II -
I will detail one of the common aftereffects, and that is the ability to pre-live segments of one's future and remember having done so. This "future memory phenomenon" will be explored from several different points of view, and the universal pattern of occurrence given. Some striking parallels with research done of childhood brain development between the ages of three to five and how that might relate to what happens to those who report future memory episodes, will be discussed. Implication given.
Part III -
I will present the BRAIN SHIFT MODEL, a series of charts plus text that summarizes my research not only of near-death states but of spiritual transformations (a work I began in sixties). This summary shows how a transformation of consciousness, no matter how caused, is but a brain shift - a specific pattern of responses which, when triggered, result in a cascade effect on the individual that matches the aftereffects of both near-death and spiritual transformations. Even though most such episodes lead to only partial shifts, that alone can result in dramatic changes in a person's life. How this compares with the broad sweep of transformational experiences, whether turbulent or tranquil in cause, will be covered, as well as the implication that brain shifts may indeed be the engine of evolution.
*The goal of this workshop is to help participants recognize and better understand brain shifts, and to aid them in realizing that anyone who begins their "journey inward" to a more spiritual lifestyle automatically triggers such a shift. Knowing the major characteristics of a brain shift can be immensely helpful in coming to terms with what is normal and typical to the experience. As more and more people undergo transformations of consciousness, information about the brain shift model will become increasingly important. Workshop Facilitator: P.M.H.Atwater, L.H.D., Ph.D. (Hon.)

"The Bigness of Forever"

(a personal sharing)

Dr. Atwater retires in 2010 from active research in the field of near-death studies, having completed her 10th and last book on the subject - one that she promises will be controversial and surprising. She reflects on the 33 years she has spent doing this work, and on the 10 years previous to that that she spent studying and experimenting with altered states of consciousness, mysticism, psychic phenomena, and the transformative process. She has had a long walk on the edge of death beginning with the specter of Pearl Harbor, growing up in a police station as a cop's kid, a previous marriage to a crop duster pilot, having a child who constantly asked "Am I going to die now Mommy?," to dying herself, not once but three times in 1977. She has been faced throughout her life in seeing "through" what seems real to joining in the truth of what is real. . . the bigness of forever.
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