The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

The Will of the Soul

The incredible power of the soul is unveiled in transformative experiences. From the deathbed, near-death episodes, peak experiences, and encounters with spiritual truths and higher realities, there comes a deeper understanding of self and Soul.
  • the incredible power of our soul is unveiled in transformative experiences
  • we begin to recognize that the soul, our soul, has a will and agenda of its own
  • soul cycles, soul waves, soul groups, twin souls, the goal of souls
  • manisfestations/ensoulments - the human form
  • our comings and goings
  • we have gifts to share: the talents we bring in, what we did with those talents when we leave
  • fate/destiny/free will
  • the numbers 12 and 13
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