The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

Deepening into Spirit

"Deepening into Spirit" is a six-hour opportunity to encounter and share in the wonder and the passion of Truth, soul-to-soul, heart-to-heart, with the goal of remembering what we already know - but have forgotten - that we truly are Divine Beings, One with The One.

Soul to Soul - Morning Session is part lecture, part questions/comments. Covers material gained from Atwater's three near-death experiences, and from over 25 years of researching the near-death phenomenon with thousands of experiencers. Focus on what the soul appears to be, what it looks like, the learning cycles of the soul, soul interventions in one's life, heaven and hell, the work of George Meek in identifying various spirit planes, astral/spirit beings, awakenings to spirit, God.

Remembering - Afternoon Session utilizes prayer states, altered states, visioning, questions, comments, sharing, reconnecting with spirit. Participatory. Alternating between prayer states and other states of consciousness, as inner clarity and spiritual awareness deepens and expands. Memory is heightened with both visioning and visualizations, enabling individuals to feel, sense, touch-in, and remember The Breath of God Breathing. An encounter with death, the "shape-shifter" of our comings and goings as we mature in spirit.
Sessions List