The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

Three to Four Hour Workshop: The Ascension of the Fifth World, Prophecy and Evolution. 

Focusing on the Mayan Calendar as a way of tracking the evolution of consciousness on the earthplane, Dr. Atwater goes much deeper into the significance of Fifth World Ascension, the Fifth Chakra, the Fifth Brain, the Five types of intelligence, and the importance of the power of five in today's world. Right now we are dealing with both evolution and devolution happening simultaneously - putting at risk the capping off of the Fifth Root Race as it seeks to fulfill itself in the human family. Much is covered about the seven Root Races of mystical tradition and what that reveals about body types, and the comings and goings of Noahs, Adams, and Messiahs. The Great Shifting and the Great Ages are discussed, with an emphasis on the earth changes cycle that has begun and what we can learn from mystical traditions and prophecies. As we move into ever higher states of consciousness, individually and collectively, simple truths become the beacon that lights our way




The Great Shifting of the Ages
Using the Mayan calendar as a basic primer, Dr. Atwater shows how it is not a calendar at all - rather a device for tracking the development of consciousness in the earthplane. The Yugas from the Vedic tradition and other traditional and native "calendars" are the same way, depicting in an incredible manner what appears to be a plan, God's Plan, for the development and growth of humankind and of consciousness itself. From these lineages comes the awareness and reality of the Fifth World, that great turning of worlds or phases or cycles, where all that we have known before is rapidly altering, literally morphing into something else. Significant astrological and event "agendas" are offered as Dr. Atwater interprets what we can know about the Fifth World and what it might mean to us. The years between 1982 and 2133 are covered in a brief review of the major forces at work. This is not done to predict "things" but to offer perspective as a way to understand what is happening in our world and will continue to for decades to come. The Great Shifting only occurs once in every 25,920 years. Thus, we cannot go back in history in any meaningful way to discover information that might be helpful to us. We can, however, look to the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien and his stories of "The Lord of the Rings" for advice, as his mythological stories all occurred on the cusp of third world becoming the fourth. We are now on the cusp of the fourth world becoming the fifth. His advice for then is applicable now. Other suggestions are offered to help us move through the portals of time into a new world aborning. Dr. Atwater combines over 50 years of research and experience to offer this insight.


The Great Shifting in the Human Family
A few of astrologer John Hogue and Edgar Cayce's predictions about the direction consciousness is taking are given, to set the stage for the "Visionary Realist" – where Mark Satin of "Radical Middle Newsletter" feels society must go. Population switchs are noted, along with DNA/blood group research that has turned upside down what we thought we knew about lineages. DNA adapts to fit changing needs,like 40,000 years ago when a single gene mutation saved the human race – a gene that has since peaked only when needed – and it's back again. Brain-building gene mutations are discussed: children and intelligence. Evolution's quantum leap is happening now – the New Kids are here: their assets, their liabilities. Root Races are discussed, as well as the mystical understanding of how they spread, what they accomplish. The stunning spread of "fives" are revealed and what that might mean as the Fifth World accelerates and goes into ascension. A chart of the Yugas illustrates how ancient calendars enfolded. Helpful tips are offered from "The Lord of the Rings" that directly apply to the change of Worlds/Great Ages now occurring.
Please note: This is a six-hour intensive, an overhead projector and screen must be provided, along with a table up front so I can spread out my papers, and three easels for large placards.
Sessions List