The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!


David - "No Hallucination!"

David is 28 years old. His cardiac arrest that facilitated a near-death experience happened just nine months ago (today's date is July 20, 2011). He was flatlined for longer than five minutes, yet walked out of the hospital two days later. He puzzles over why he has no brain damage from lack of oxygen, and how people might react if he tells them what happened to him, what he saw on "the other side" of death, and what he was shown about things future. On one hand he fears being thought crazy, yet, on the other hand, he is so filled with a profound sense of brotherly love (as he put it), even for complete strangers, that he is not certain he cares if people poo-poo him. He feels utterly transformed, yet he has many questions - searching the Internet for information about near-death experiences has not proved helpful. That's because the full story is not on the Internet. You must read through various books to find that, especially my own. For "newbees," like David, I recommend COMING BACK TO LIFE, BEYOND THE LIGHT, and THE BIG BOOK OF NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES. If you are a child experiencer, be sure to read THE NEW CHILDREN AND NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES. I also urge experiencers to join the International Association For Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and attending their national conferences. There's nothing like being a room filled with people just like you, who have also died and been on "the other side." Here is David's story.

Mark - "Inside the Miracle"

Here is a case about a father by the name of Mark who refused to hear the worst about his son Kevin, who had overdosed on drugs. Unfortunately, this type of tragedy in families is all too common these days. What's different here, and why I am posting this case, is that Mark literally was "inside the miracle" that happened to Kevin. Medical people pooh-pooh miracles for the most part and turn their backs on anything that sounds "mystical." Although there is every reason to suspect that Kevin had a near-death experience during his ordeal, what happened to his father is actually the greater story. Thank you, Mark, for giving me permission to quote you. Blessings, PMH

Hannah's Death Dream

Recently I was contacted by Kathy, who had just read my book "We Live Forever: The Real Truth About Death." She wanted to tell me about her 11-year-old daughter Hannah's death dream. The story she shared turned out to be a rich and wonderful slice of life, proof, at least to me, that the human family uplifts and endears its own. Too many of us live our lives as if half asleep to the treasures at our fingertips, the answers to our most perplexing questions so easily and simply given. The circumstances of Hannah's death dream focus on her deceased grandmother Mag. It's a fairly long story, but one that might address the puzzle of why some sterling members of society have unpleasant and terrifying near-death experiences, while those that seem like they should face some type of punishment for their misdeeds sometimes have the most enlightening episodes. Hannah, by the way, gave me permission to publish her dream, so did her Mom, and I can't help but believe that her grandmother Mag did, as well.
--Thank you, PMH

Dian: NDE TAPESTRY and AfterEffects

The scenarios of near-death experiences can vary greatly, even though the overall patterns remain consistent worldwide. Here is the case of Dian, who is alive today only because of a miracle. She should have died. Her case in long and involves two separate episodes that occurred during the same event. What is especially unusual is towards the end, when Dian discusses what happened once her experiences were over and she was back "on the job." Because of changes in her position, one boss knew and had worked with the "before" Dian, and the other, the "new" Dian. It was job evaluation time. The two bosses gave radically different evaluations of her performance; the first one not at all impressed with her and rather glum about her future prospects with the company. The second boss absolutely impressed with how smart she was, and considered her to be a valuable employee. The two bosses argued with each other, one countering the other, based on the "facts" of her employment. She never said anything about her close-call with death or her near-death experiences. This incident, completely documented and on file at her employment, illustrates how remarkably an experiencer can change - and in a substantial way. She wraps up her story with an explanation of time and the difference between how she experienced time on the "other side" versus this side. –PMH

Bridget - "Story of Awakening"

Bridget has given me permission to carry her wonderful story on my website. I know it will speak to all of you. After her story, I will make a few comments. Here is Bridget's story. --
Dr. P.M.H.Atwater
NDE Cases