The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

Jamey – "Are you ready to come in?"

The case of Jamey Massengale is an important one. Jamey was serving a 20-year sentence in prison when, because of an illness, he was given medication that counteracted with the drug he was taking for depression. He stopped breathing, and had a near-death experience. His story about meeting Jesus and dialoging with him is similar to many other such stories, except, his description of what Jesus looked like. . . exactly matches three letters written at the time Jesus lived and are now on display in several museums - that detail his physical features. . . that of red-gold or red hair, soft grey or blue eyes, and unusually tall. (Reference: "Portrait of Jesus?" by Frank C. Tribbe; Stein and Day, New York City, 1983; page 245.)

Also of importance with Jamey's case is that, because of his near-death experience, he returned smarter than before (a common aftereffect but not always verified with IQ tests). Before his episode, Jamey had an IQ score of 125. Because of huge shifts in his consciousness afterward, leading both him and prison personnel to suspect he might have developed schizophrenia, another IQ test was administered. His new score, 145. He purchased
THE BIG BOOK OF NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES, read it, and learned about the aftereffects of near-death states, and what often happens to the brain and nervous system because of that. He then contacted Dr. Bruce Greyson and myself, and was able to verify that what had happened to him could not be denied. He has since been released from prison, and is now doing what he can to educate himself further and help others.

What follows is the near-death experience of Jamey Massengale. ~PMH

Joseph Shore - My NDE and Meeting Jesus

The near-death case of Joseph Shore is multi-faceted. Here is a longer version, one he has not shared before. His heart surgery in 1967 included a near-death experience which opened him to higher knowledge and an incredible intuitive awareness. This led to a passion for the ministry and the prayer request to meet Jesus. This occurred. Afterwards, his passion for the ministry faded as a strange phenomenon took its place. He was suddenly possessed of a desire to listen to grand opera. Out of the "clear blue sky," with no knowledge of music or experience as a singer, he opened his mouth and a powerful voice burst forth. His inner guidance spoke to him and said, "Your sermons can be your characters on stage." Through a series of utter synchronicity, Joseph won operatic singing contests, became an opera star, and later a singing and opera coach. He has written two books: Good Dreams: Miracles in Opera and in Life and Observations on a florid Song: A collection of stories and aphorisms on enlightenment (both are available as e-books on I am carrying his story as he sent it to me, mispelled words and all, as an example of a heart that now knows only love. ~PMH

Mark - "Inside the Miracle"

Here is a case about a father by the name of Mark who refused to hear the worst about his son Kevin, who had overdosed on drugs. Unfortunately, this type of tragedy in families is all too common these days. What's different here, and why I am posting this case, is that Mark literally was "inside the miracle" that happened to Kevin. Medical people pooh-pooh miracles for the most part and turn their backs on anything that sounds "mystical." Although there is every reason to suspect that Kevin had a near-death experience during his ordeal, what happened to his father is actually the greater story. Thank you, Mark, for giving me permission to quote you. Blessings, PMH

Olan - "Bright and Beautiful"

When only 18 years old, Olan was involved in a terrible auto accident. He is now 49, and recounts for us here how that event changed him - not just what he went through physically - but the vision he had of Jesus. Actually, Olan had a near-death experience; but like many other experiencers he called his episode a "vision." This terminology is common. Who among us are educated enough to name things as science does? It is only after the passing of several months or years that experiencers change their initial term of "vision" into "experience," to denote a reality more intimate, more real, more vivid than life itself. Note that about twenty years after his initial transformation and the "calling" he received to become a minister, he walked away from his lifepath in search of a less constrained, broader, more inclusive way of living. This "second shift" corresponds exactly with Phase Four of the Four Phases of Integration, a chart you can find on this website, and spoken of at length in THE COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES. Near-death experiences, no matter how wonderful, are not easy to integrate into one's daily life and require many years to understand and accept. Phase Four catches most experiencers by surprise - as it is not expected - and in actuality is much deeper and far more life-changing than the initial transformation the individual went through.
Dr. P.M.H.Atwater

Guenter - "Themes of Good and Evil"

You will be surprised by this account from Guenter Wagner of Germany. His near-death experience when 11 years old is not at all like the reports of loving encounters with the Light that the public is used to hearing from both adult and child experiencers. But then, a lot of accounts deviate as his does from the so-called "classical model." He originally termed his episode an "out-of-body experience." Still, it has all the characteristics of near-death, as well as those more typical to youngsters, so for that reason I am publishing it herein the NDE Cases Section. Notice how themes of good and evil interweave the scenario,and,how he as a child is lectured and even taunted by a predominant"Voice" - to the extent of becoming as fearful and confused as elated. Information about future careers and achievements are common to childhood accounts, as well as stern or threatening messages given with great authority. I refer you to my book,CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM, which details how children's near-death experiences can differ from those of adults, and how suicidal tendencies and alcoholism can be a problem afterwards. This account is followed by some personal data from Guenter Wagner, and then a brief Question/Answer exchange. Although he remembers very little in the way of aftereffects, I suspect he was far more affected by this experience than he admits(children tend to ignore or compensate for"differences").
Dr. P.M.H.Atwater

Denise - "Lessons from the Spirit"

The case of 10-year-old Denise and what she went through, the diabetes coma and then a stroke, seemed to have no other outcome but death. Yet she recovered, and quite miraculously. Her recovery centered around the near-death episode she experienced while at death's door and how that changed her - and her entire family. Denise is one of six children; her family a religious one. Relatives, friends, family members, church elders, Mom and Dad, were all challenged by the "new" Denise and her "new" otherworldly abilities. Her Dad, Doug Mendenhall, was inspired to write about their experience. The book is called "Possibilities. . . Lessons from the Spirit." Check out their website at for more details about how to obtain the book.. --Dr. P.M.H.Atwater

Clare- "The Alpha and Omega"

Clare’s case is quite vivid and fresh. She was only four weeks out when she first contacted me. I am carrying it in two-parts. The first is her near-death experience, with a lengthy description of what she initially felt during the surgery and then what she experienced on the Other Side. Notice her visitation from “Ascended Masters” and what she was told. Part two is brief, as Clare begins to experience aftereffects and deep meaningful dreams. I am especially grateful to Clare for her willingness to share as she has. The newness of it all jumps from the page. You want to hug her and whisper in her ear, “Your aftereffects are just beginning. Read all you can about them, and they will be easier to handle.” --Dr. P.M.H. Atwater

Chris - My Face-to-face encounter with Jesus Christ

In the case study you are about to read are many exacting medical details plus the incredible passion of a man forever changed by his near-death experience. His name is Chris Russell and he is convinced he saw the face of Jesus Christ. He went on to have more heart trouble and wound up in surgery, necessitating an oxygen mask afterward. This time that awesome Light most experiencers see came by itself to see him, envelop him, and heal him, leaving his doctors in total puzzlement.

A Classic Childhood NDE by Ann Seliskar

When I was ten years old, I was nearly electrocuted and had a near death experience. I was perched on the top bar of my backyard swing set, when I lost my balance and began to fall. Immediately above my head was a 220-volt electrical wire, which I grabbed on to, to prevent my fall...
NDE Cases