The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!


Rarely does a researcher such as myself run across such a long and detailed account of a near-death experience and its aftereffects from a person in a culture that, at the time the experience occurred, considered such incidents to be evil. This account will tug at your heart. It concerns a woman named Emel who nearly died when a tiny babe. The golden light she encountered not only filled her soul but it followed her throughout the 28 years she has thus far lived. A Muslim, she could never be like her siblings nor could she understand the abusive nature of her parents. Notice how hungry she was and still is for knowledge, her need to learn and grow, her curiosity, her ability to see "through" people and events and know what the truth really is, as well as having a sense of "future." Most of the pattern of aftereffects are mentioned in her story - additionally, her vivid and informative dreams.

Emel speaks to us in English. Please skip over her many mistakes with our language. I think she does a great job, all things considered, and she is easy to understand. You may think in reading her case that the abuse heaped against her was exceptional, and you may also be inclined to blame it on her Islamic religion. Read her story carefully, and I think you will feel differently. Emel is well-versed in her faith. She knows what is in the Koran and what is not. Plus, being made fun of and rejected by the family is not that uncommon for child experiencers of near-death states - in any country - including the United States!
I feel truly humbled and honored that Emel contacted me, and was willing to share her story with all of us. It's 18 pages long, so prepare yourself. It's quite a story.
--Dr. P.M.H. Atwater

Leon- "Journey Among the Wind Walkers: Grandfather Secatero Recovers from Stroke."

It is of upmost importance, at least of my way of thinking, that we become more knowledgeable about other ways of regarding near-death experiences and other cultural traditions which may undergird them.   Consider this case of a Native American elder, highly respected and honored throughout the Navajo Nation, and, in fact, the world: Grandfather Leon Secatero and his “Journey among the Wind Walkers,” as told by Steven McFadden in his “Chiron Communications Newsletter.” I’ve known Steven for many years and feel a deep sense of gratitude that he has given me permission to carry Grandfather Leon’s entire story on my website  (Grandfather Leon has also agreed to this posting). Notice how fully Grandfather has embraced his experience, what it means to him, and what he is doing about it to help others. Also note that his responses are in accord with “the way of his people.”
--Dr. P.M.H. Atwater

Clare- "The Alpha and Omega"

Clare’s case is quite vivid and fresh. She was only four weeks out when she first contacted me. I am carrying it in two-parts. The first is her near-death experience, with a lengthy description of what she initially felt during the surgery and then what she experienced on the Other Side. Notice her visitation from “Ascended Masters” and what she was told. Part two is brief, as Clare begins to experience aftereffects and deep meaningful dreams. I am especially grateful to Clare for her willingness to share as she has. The newness of it all jumps from the page. You want to hug her and whisper in her ear, “Your aftereffects are just beginning. Read all you can about them, and they will be easier to handle.” --Dr. P.M.H. Atwater

Hannah's Death Dream

Recently I was contacted by Kathy, who had just read my book "We Live Forever: The Real Truth About Death." She wanted to tell me about her 11-year-old daughter Hannah's death dream. The story she shared turned out to be a rich and wonderful slice of life, proof, at least to me, that the human family uplifts and endears its own. Too many of us live our lives as if half asleep to the treasures at our fingertips, the answers to our most perplexing questions so easily and simply given. The circumstances of Hannah's death dream focus on her deceased grandmother Mag. It's a fairly long story, but one that might address the puzzle of why some sterling members of society have unpleasant and terrifying near-death experiences, while those that seem like they should face some type of punishment for their misdeeds sometimes have the most enlightening episodes. Hannah, by the way, gave me permission to publish her dream, so did her Mom, and I can't help but believe that her grandmother Mag did, as well.
--Thank you, PMH
NDE Cases