The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!



It is difficult to determine in Michael's case how close he was to physical death. He certainly was in the throes of a drug overdose (or suffering from a bad batch of the chemical he took). His experience was hellishžand his aftereffects genuine. Whether his was a near-death or near-death-like episode, it is inspiring to see how he chose to deal with the many challenges he had to face afterwards. Far too many people grew up in a household like he did, confused about God, and ill-prepared for life. That he used the hell he went through as a "wake-up call" to make significant changes in his life - and very much for the better - is an inspiration to all of us, and proof that hellish or distressing episodes can and often do lead to positive change.
Dr. P.M.H.Atwater

Guenter - "Themes of Good and Evil"

You will be surprised by this account from Guenter Wagner of Germany. His near-death experience when 11 years old is not at all like the reports of loving encounters with the Light that the public is used to hearing from both adult and child experiencers. But then, a lot of accounts deviate as his does from the so-called "classical model." He originally termed his episode an "out-of-body experience." Still, it has all the characteristics of near-death, as well as those more typical to youngsters, so for that reason I am publishing it herein the NDE Cases Section. Notice how themes of good and evil interweave the scenario,and,how he as a child is lectured and even taunted by a predominant"Voice" - to the extent of becoming as fearful and confused as elated. Information about future careers and achievements are common to childhood accounts, as well as stern or threatening messages given with great authority. I refer you to my book,CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM, which details how children's near-death experiences can differ from those of adults, and how suicidal tendencies and alcoholism can be a problem afterwards. This account is followed by some personal data from Guenter Wagner, and then a brief Question/Answer exchange. Although he remembers very little in the way of aftereffects, I suspect he was far more affected by this experience than he admits(children tend to ignore or compensate for"differences").
Dr. P.M.H.Atwater
NDE Cases