The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

Higher Self

Mellen-Thomas Benedict- "Through the Light"

Mellen-Thomas Benedict's case is part of my original near-death research; a brief version of it appears in my book, BEYOND THE LIGHT. I can attest that his case is genuine and his claims about the brain tumor and the conditions of his death are true. I have met his mother and step-father, been in his and their homes, and have followed his life since - his struggles and his accomplishments - as he sought to find a way to integrate his experience into his daily life while still honoring the mission he feltžguided to fulfill. What you are about to read has a hint of mystery to it, and this is the mystery: this version of his story (which reads like an article) is actually a transcription of a tape made of ažtalk hežgavežabout a decade ago. Whoever did the transcription then put the story on the Internet for free distribution. Five different people sent it to me, so I contactedžMellen-Thomas to discuss the situation. He and I both felt it was as if the Universe, his soul, God, was saying to him. . . "It's time now to open up and share your story. You have something to say that needs to be heard." Whoever put his material on the Internet did the man a favor, actually, did all of us a favor,žand not just because his is such an interesting case (it truly is) - but because ofžhow he has matured since and what he has learned.

--Dr. P.M.H.Atwater
NDE Cases