The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!


Lara - Dying and Rebirth

Lara’s story is a long one, showing both before and after events, and how this led her to the importance of a spiritual life.  ~PMH

Mark - "Inside the Miracle"

Here is a case about a father by the name of Mark who refused to hear the worst about his son Kevin, who had overdosed on drugs. Unfortunately, this type of tragedy in families is all too common these days. What's different here, and why I am posting this case, is that Mark literally was "inside the miracle" that happened to Kevin. Medical people pooh-pooh miracles for the most part and turn their backs on anything that sounds "mystical." Although there is every reason to suspect that Kevin had a near-death experience during his ordeal, what happened to his father is actually the greater story. Thank you, Mark, for giving me permission to quote you. Blessings, PMH

NDE Cases