The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

Unique Visionary Artist

Dan Rhema


Dan Rhema Studio
P. O. Box 17513
Louisville, KY 40207

(502) 635-2457

Dan Rhema came to be a visionary artist through a near-death experience caused by his contracting Dengue Fever (also known as Break Bone Fever) and Spinal Meningitis, while working as an international relief worker in Mexico in 1991. During his recuperation from the multiple brain infections, Dan began creating masks, collages, sculptures, and paintings from "found" objects to match the surrealistic visions of his dreams. "Found" art is where you collect other people's "junk" - discarded furniture, metal fixtures, electric wiring - to make into visionary assemblages. A lot of the things I use are from people who have died. They are getting a second chance to be what I think is important. Each piece is unique." "Altered Visions: The Dan Rhema Story" is the name of a video documentary that focuses on what happened to him and the art that emerged. The video is readily available, as are pieces of his work.
"The Day The Animals Lost Their Colors" is a collaboration of talented people who produced the book for the purpose of using it in school-based educational programs held throughout the country, and to increase awareness of brain injuries, brain injury prevention, and the work of
The Brain Injury Association of Kentucky.
I revisited Dan Rhema in July of 2010 to see how he was doing, and was surprised to see the extent to which he has changed, how happy and at peace. Many of his paintings are so powerfully vibrant, you need 3-D glasses to fully appreciate them. His sculptures, short films, and public service TV spots he creates, stand out with an elegant uniqueness. He has written several children's books (among them "One Tiny Twig" and "Bluegrass Breeze), and is currently writing his own story. So far, that book of his is a work of art by itself. Four of his many art pieces appear here. Contact him if you want to see more.
Soul of a NationThe Healing Path
"Soul of a Nation" - copyright 2001,
"The Healing Path" - copyright 2000.

Third Eye.JPGPassageway

Third Eye - copyright 2007
Passageway to the Lower World - copyright 2001

The Marketplace